Music at Elmlea Junior School

Music is at the heart of school life with all children in Years 3 – 6 receiving a music lesson each week Music is held in high esteem at Elmlea Schools’ Trust and, as such, our wide music curriculum is complemented by a programme of peripatetic (private) instrumental lessons and also get involved in our orchestra. Many children then go on to achieve great success in Associated Board examinations as they develop their musical skill and join local orchestras.
The school also children the opportunity to have instrumental and singing lessons offered by our Peripatetic Music teachers (at an additional cost). For children who are eligible for free school meals and pupil premium some financial support maybe available, please contact the junior school office for further information.
Instrumental Lessons
Elmlea is a ‘Bristol Music School’ and we work closely with ‘Bristol Plays Music’ to offer individual and group instrumental and singing lessons, from Year 3. We currently offer tuition in Violin, Cello, Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet and Singing and uptake is very high with over 80 children currently receiving lessons. Workshops and masterclasses are offered in Year 2 to introduce children to the instruments.
Ensembles, Performances and Opportunities
The children receiving lessons are encouraged to participate in one of the ensembles available at school. These are run as Extra Curricular activities and are very popular. They include Chamber Choir, Show Choir, Boys Choir, String Orchestra and Wind Group. There are regular performances throughout the year both in school and at local platforms in Bristol.
All children are involved in a whole school musical once a year and there is great support for this within the whole school community.
Traditions and customs are followed musically where appropriate and a particular highlight this year was Year 6 pupils performing The Last Post and Faure’s Pie Jesu on Remembrance Day.
Each year a small selection of Year 6 pupils may apply for Music scholarships at independent schools in Bristol such is the enthusiasm for Music at Elmlea.
Orchestra Workshop – In October 2022, members of our school orchestra and string group attended a wonderful event at Trinity Academy, along with musicians from several other primary schools in Bristol. We spent the afternoon as a massed orchestra, practising three pieces: Habanera from Carmen by Bizet, Papageno from the Magic Flute by Mozart and We Don’t Talk About Bruno from Encanto the musical. It was a fantastic experience for the young musicians to play these challenging pieces in a large orchestra and to encounter instruments they might not have heard or seen before such as French horns, bassoons and even a harp! The children then performed to an invited audience at the end of the afternoon and the result was astonishing.