
Music is at the heart of school life. We inspire pupils to develop a love and appreciation
of music with opportunities to sing, listen, explore, create and perform. All children take
part in singing assemblies and in years 3-6 children have dedicated music lessons once
a week.

Implementation/Learning Journey

Our curriculum ensures that pupils:
 Have an opportunity to play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using
their voices and playing different musical instruments (including percussion,
djembe drums and ukulele).
 Improvise, compose, notate and perform their own music for a range of different
 Listen, perform and engage with different styles, traditions and genres of music –
including its links to dance, literacy and art.
 Use and understand musical staff and other notations.
 Develop an understanding of the history of music
 Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory.


Music is held in high esteem at Elmlea Schools’ Trust and, as such, our wide music
curriculum is complemented by a team of peripatetic instrumental and vocal teachers.
Many children go on to achieve great success in examinations as they develop their
musical skill and join the school or local ensembles. Group or individual music lessons
are offered to all children (at an additional cost). For those who are eligible for free
school meals and pupil premium some financial support maybe available.
Instrumental Lessons
Elmlea is a Bristol Music School and we work closely with Bristol Beacon to offer
individual and group instrumental and singing lessons, from Year 3. We currently offer
tuition in violin, cello, flute, clarinet, cornet, guitar, singing and rock/pop band. Uptake is
very high with over 80 children regularly receiving lessons. Workshops are offered in
Year 2 to introduce children to the instruments.
Ensembles, Performances and Opportunities
We have a wide range of extra-curricular music activities for children to participate in,
including Chamber Choir, Junior Choir, Boys Choir, Orchestra, and String Group. We
take part in the Bristol Beacon summer and winter concerts as well as performances to
parents in school and locally. We have also been fortunate, through our work with Bristol
Beacon, to participate in orchestra workshops in collaboration with students from the
University of Bristol. All children are involved in a school musical once a year and there
is great support for this within the whole school community. Each year a small selection
of Year 6 pupils may apply for music scholarships at independent schools in Bristol,
such is the enthusiasm for music at Elmlea.